Mecha Dash is an ongoing collaborative project currently in its prototype stage. It is an 8-bit top down style computer game in which I am creating all of the artwork and animations.
The initial work for the game has involved choosing an appropriate name and design for the title. Being a game
in which you play as a robot and part of the aim is to complete the levels as quickly as possible, we thought Mecha Dash was appropriate. I designed an 8 bit typeface and opted for a metallic look with the deep red shadow. I have so far animated around 15 characters and began have began to work on the world layout and level design.
in which you play as a robot and part of the aim is to complete the levels as quickly as possible, we thought Mecha Dash was appropriate. I designed an 8 bit typeface and opted for a metallic look with the deep red shadow. I have so far animated around 15 characters and began have began to work on the world layout and level design.